Thanks to my father, I learned basic photography skills and started taking pictures in mid-80’s, with simple film camera. But film development and printing were rather boring for the child and I stopped taking pictures. However, my interest in photography has not disappeared, and in the early 2000’s when digital cameras became available, I returned to photography. In last 10 years or so I had a camera in every single trip I did.

I am considering myself as an amateur photographer, and my main approach is to be in the right place and at the right time, which is quite simple when you are spending 150+ days per year in the wilderness. Most of the time when I am guiding I have no time to set up a scene, so my approach is pretty simple – stop in the right place and push the button. Of course, most of the time I try to take into account all the factors that make a photo interesting and attractive, but minimize the time I spend for this. My camera is always hanging on my backpack’s belt, so I am ready to capture the moment “on the fly”.

Even in such set-up I still have a camera on my belt

Most of the mountain pictures below been taken with this approach, and all the people on pictures are my guests or colleagues (actually very few photo). Once our trip is done, most likely you will get a set of pictures. I don’t promise many photos or anything else, but most of the time my guests have not only good memories but also good reminders about these memories. Size and quality of photos are big enough to print it in large format and put on the wall in your house.

A bit out of the mountain photography I have two personal passions – taking photo of sunsets and from airplanes.

I use a Nikon D7200 camera with Nikkor 18-200mm lens, few filters and that’s it. When I don’t need to carry my stuff (snowmobile approach to the base camp or so) I usually bring a tripod for some scenery photography, but most of the time shoot from hands or use something to place the camera, such as a backpack or coiled rope.

All the pictures below belong to me and have some description, simply click on it.